Founded on June 16, 2003 - our book club convenes about every two months all around the bay area, from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. And rest assured: WHAT HAPPENS IN BOOK CLUB...STAYS IN BOOK CLUB!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Books I've recently read

Of the last several books I've read outside of book club, here are my favorite four:

Michael Byers' Long for This World
A rich and touching story about a doctor who thinks he might be able to save a young circumventing the FDA and risking his career. This is the first time I've devoured a novel about medicine.

Mary Roach's Stiff
Oh my gosh, speaking of novels about medicine...this nonfiction portrayal of the "lives" of human cadavers is outrageous and (believe it or not) hilarious. I think it's my current all-time favorite book.

Anonymous & Imogen Edwards-Jones' Hotel Babylon
A (mostly) non-fiction account of the absurdities that go on behind closed doors - and sometimes right there in the lobby - of an upscale British hotel. The establishmant name has been changed to protect the innocent, but who cares? It's fun!

Jennifer Finney Boylan's She's Not There
The raw first-hand account of Professor Jim Boylan's "transition" to a woman, with ample checking-in with family and friends for their reactions. I was inspired to pick this up after feeling so much compassion for the hero(ine) of Middlesex.

Meanwhile, I recommend avoiding these:

Kim Wong Keltner's The Dim Sum of All Things
Amulya Malladi's The Mango Season
Carolyn Parkhurst's The Dogs of Babel

While these are all very different books, I found myself unimpressed with their weak leading characters. I don't mean they were poorly defined; I mean they had clearly defined but oh-so-weak personalities. I'm most disappointed that I didn't like Dogs, because I'll buy any book that promises a crime solving canine!


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