Founded on June 16, 2003 - our book club convenes about every two months all around the bay area, from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. And rest assured: WHAT HAPPENS IN BOOK CLUB...STAYS IN BOOK CLUB!!!

Thursday, February 02, 2017

First book club of 2017!  We met on January 28th at a hummus restaurant to discuss Karen's pick, The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life, by choreographer Twyla Tharp.

None of us hugely loved this book, but it had some thought-provoking things in it.  I did like the fact that she spoke about how so much of being creative is about putting the time in:  you're not magically talented, able to whip out art at any given moment.  But if you practice and strive you will create good things.

I also liked the part about finding yourself in a creative rut, and some ideas on how to recognize it.

We asked each person if she thought she was creative; most of us said no.  We're more engineers than artists. But we have our moments.  I said I felt I could be creative in solving a specific problem.  Lisa talked about how she wrote a lot when she was a kid.  Jen read a poem she was inspired to write by the book.  Karen talked about her upcoming big move and the creative ways she's handling all the logistics. Plus:  mushroom hummus mmmmmmmm.


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