The Year of Living Biblically

As the sub-title would suggest, the author goes through the Bible and finds the 700+ rules, and spends a year trying to follow them all. It was an interesting read, and had some definite funny moments. I really enjoyed it.
We had the meeting at my house, and people brought Bible-appropriate food like pomegranates, goat cheese, hummus, wine, and of course, double chocolate chip cookies. It was a beautiful warm day (70 degrees in Belmont in November!) and we sat

To open up the discussion, we went around the table and described our religious upbringing, and where our religious views currently stand. We had a great time talking about the book and our own faith (or lack thereof). For our second photo, we decided to take out second photo with the "See No Evil, Hear No Evil.." theme.
It was the first time in a long time all eight of us made it, and it was a wonderful afternoon.