Founded on June 16, 2003 - our book club convenes about every two months all around the bay area, from San Francisco to Santa Cruz. And rest assured: WHAT HAPPENS IN BOOK CLUB...STAYS IN BOOK CLUB!!!

Sunday, June 09, 2019

The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper

Lisa's pick for our June 2019 bookclub was The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri S. Tepper.

The book is set in the future where civilization has changed dramatically after a destructive war that has made much of the planet uninhabitable. Women are in power and live in cities with only a select number of male servants. The rest of the men live as warriors outside the city gates, protecting their given city.

This book was interesting to compare and contrast with The Power, another novel where the dynamic between men and women change in the future.

Although, some disliked the Greek play running through the novel and others critiqued the feasibility of such a future actually occurring, we agreed that it was a thought-provoking read with an intriguing ending.

Lisa again hosted with great style, serving hand-dipped (by her) chocolate strawberries. We ended our meeting with a shopping escapade in downtown Los Altos where we tried on many clothes and shoes and perused hair products with champagne.